Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Terms And Conditions

Please proceed a 50% deposit for your secure booking and reservation when confirm your booking 60 days before departure date.

Final payment must be made 30 days before depautre date.

Payment can make via Bank transfer or Western Union
Please provide us you money transfer receipt or reference number for our referenced.
Bank Transfer
Bank Name : Maybank Berhad
*Swift No. for Maybank Malaysia (MBBEMYKL)
Acc no : 151258454835
Western Union

Name on : 1st Name : BENELSAPUTRA

Last Name : LABENLI

IC(Identity Card) No : 820505125233

Cancellation Policies.

Cancellation of a trip must be made no less than 30 days prior to your departure date. There are no refunds or partial refunds given for early departures from a designated charter, poor surf, or inclement weather. In addition, there are no refunds given for reasons pertaining to unstable global, national, or local political situations. Failure to pay your balance as specified will result in your loss of booking dates and or your deposit.

Travel Insurance.
Please keep in mind this trip are exclude travel insurance.We are not responsibility for any trip cancellation & interruption, baggage delay, baggage coverage, travel delay, emergency medical and dental, emergency medical transport & evacuation, and travel accident insurance.

Passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure. If applicable, a valid visa is required for travel. You must have at least one photocopy of your passport, and travel and medical insurance. When you are in Indonesia you will be issued an immigration form that you must keep until your departure. When you leave they will ask to see it to determine how long you were in Indonesia. If you lose this form you will be charged a fine and may miss your return flight.

Airline Related Information
We are not responsible for airline boarding fees or baggage policies. We not accept any responsibility for the late arrival or non-arrival of surfboards/surfboard bags or any other luggage.

We are assume no liability for loss or damage in transit to and from your surf trip or while on your surf trip. It remains the guest responsibility throughout the trip.

Medical and Health.

It is vital if you have any type of medical condition that you make them known to us well before departure. This will enable us to assess personal and group risk that may result from any event caused by a known medical condition. It is highly recommended that you obtain medical insurance with a reputable insurance company prior to your departure. Vaccinations for tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis are advised, as is malaria medication for precautionary measures. Check with your local doctor.

Surf conditions.

We always hope for great surf, unfortunately though, there will be times when surf conditions are less than desirable and perhaps unsuitable for the less experienced surfer.We shall not be liable in the event, due to climatic or other reasons, that satisfactory surf is unavailable.

Limitations of Liability.
The KearatangSurf Team,agents, employees and representatives give notice that they act only as agent for you as our client in making arrangements for hotels, transportation, restaurants or any other service and do not assume any liability whatsoever for any injury, damage, death, loss, accident, delay, cost, expense, or inconvenience arising from travel misfortunes or delay due to sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, mechanical breakdown, quarantine, government restraints, act of wars, weather or other circumstances beyond their control.
All participants in our surf charters imply the travelers agreement to the above conditions.

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