Thursday, January 6, 2011

Keratang Surf (Mentawai Island Vacation)

About Us

A Project By BENELSAPUTRA @ BEN. A local Mentawaians live in capital of mentawai, Tuapejat Sipora Island.Currently stay in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, one of the main acces to Padang, to reach The Mentawai Island.Co-operated with some global agent, and link with Mentawai local surf community which located in Padang and Mentawai Island.For all acces from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, we will served and guide you from Kuala Lumpur until you reach Padang, and continue journey with a local ferry transfer (KM Ambu Ambu) to the Mentawai Island.Otherwise if you have another access, our representative or surf guide will great and welcoming you at Padang airport and guide you to the Mentawai until end of tour as state on the itinerary.

Biography Of Mentawai

Mentawai Islands is a district in West Sumatra Province located at a distance of 150 km off the coast of Sumatra Island. The total area of Mentawai District is 601 km ² area, inhibited by 64,235 people, mostly indigenous people. Mentawai Islands consists of 213 islands with 4 main islands of Siberut, Sipora, North Pagai and South Pagai. The capital of Mentawai is at the Tua Pejat.

Mentawai Islands have a coastline of 758 km. The waves at Mentawai Islands is the best for surfing. Mentawai Islands potential was discovered in the mid 90's when some surfers from Australia came to visit and saw the great waves that they never thought was in Mentawai. The surfer eventually broadcast their findings and some of them even built several beach resorts to serve foreign tourists who want to surf in the Mentawai.

The geographical position of the Mentawai Islands is off the coast of West Sumatra and has distinct benefits for tourism development of extreme sports. Located directly facing the open oceans, the Mentawai Islands is guaranteed with consistent waves all year round. Time between April to August which is summer holidays in Europe is the best time for surfing in Mentawai. In that season, Mentawai waves can reach six feet tall and this is what surfers really want. Mentawai Islands has 400 surfing spots, 23 of them has international standard waves. The surfing spots are around Nyang-Nyang, Coral Bajat, Karoniki, Pananggelat and Mainuk (Pulau Siberut), Katiet Basua (Sipoira Island) and North Pagai (Sikakap Island).

The recognition given by the surfers aorund the world could be seen by the amount of surfing events held in these islands. Every year in August, we could attend the world surfing championship. With this event, thousands of tourist especially surfing enthusiasts come to Mentawai from all around the world. Each tourist spends an average of U.S. $ 2500 for a uncomparable surfing experience in the Mentawai.

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